Why are Talented Introverts Being Ignored in the Video Marketing Arena?

The late-great Noel Coward famously said:

Television is for appearing on - not for looking at.

From a marketing point of view, he was really onto something. With the explosive growth of platforms like YouTube, video is increasingly becoming the way we sell stuff to each-other - from tummy fat reduction diets to political candidates.

Online video has made ‘TV selling’ accessible like never before, but not all of us have Noel Coward’s confidence. Video marketing bestows a big advantage on extroverts; people who seem to have a natural ability to present their message on camera. Meanwhile, people with introvert personality types are being left out of the marketplace of ideas because they are less inclined to get in front of a camera.

Introverts are just as creative and ambitious as their extrovert counterparts. The introverted person will come up with a great idea and devise a powerful message, but when they step in front of a camera to tell the world they get wet armpits, weak knees, and a dry mouth. Consequently, they are often not heard in the noisy arena of internet video.

Why extroverts have the advantage as Video Presenters

Extrovert personalities thrive from having attention on them. Extroverts love to be seen and heard, so they are naturally good with social dynamics and performing. Extroverts will drive you mad at dinner parties because they never shut up, but they know how to sell a set of steak knives!

Introverts tend to be very creative and intelligent, but their weakness is in communicating their ideas. Introverts are constantly struggling with their natural aversion to being the centre of attention, and that hurts them as entrepreneurs and sellers.

If introverts were able to present their ideas powerfully, they would be killing it in the video marketing space, because their creativity, coupled with newfound confidence would make them able to compete equally with the extrovert types. But nobody seems to be helping introverts get the skills they need to be video personalities.

Why is Nobody Training Introverts to be Better Video Presenters?

In theory, with the right training and encouragement, even the shyest wallflower can overcome their fear and become a YouTube celebrity. Unfortunately, the video presentation training that’s available out there right now is really not catering to introverts. Browsing around the coaching and self-development blogosphere you get the clear message that video training courses are designed for people who already feel right at home with a camera stuck in their faces. But they aren’t the people who really need the training!

The companies offering video presentation understand that their courses are not catering to introverts, and they’re OK with that for 3 important reasons:

  • They know that introverts are less likely to sign up for their courses because they are scared to death of being in front of a camera;
  • If they are mostly training extroverts, they won’t have to invest as much energy in their students to get results, and;
  • Fewer introvert students means easier-to-achieve training success rates.

So, you have this situation right now where the training companies are recruiting confident, extrovert students who already have the skills they need to ace the courses. A situation like this might be good for the training companies’ stats’, but it isn’t helping people with sweaty armpits and shaky knees much.

Successful Introverts and What They Have in Common

Most of us aren’t naturally talented communicators. Introverts are actually in the majority. That’s why actors and pop stars like Brad Pitt and Taylor Swift are one in a million. Even if we have important ideas, most of us don’t naturally have the confidence to trumpet our message from the rooftops.

We don’t usually speak up, but introverts have ingenious ideas and important things to say. If overnight, everybody was suddenly like Jim Carrey we’d have lots of great YouTube videos, but maybe we wouldn’t have any more cool new computers to watch them on. All those introverted tech-nerd types who used to come up with revolutionary designs would be too busy entertaining us with Clint Eastwood impressions to do any inventing.

Here’s an interesting thing: history is full of introverted characters who achieved amazing things, despite their anxiety around communication.

Introverts invented some of the most world-changing technology of our era. Introverts are often the people responsible for progressive social policy and legal reform. Introverts are the people behind the scenes on some of the most successful and profitable business ventures of this century.

Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Marissa Mayer, JK Rowling, Barack Obama; these are just a few of the incredibly productive and successful people who fit the introvert personality profile.

So, what characteristics do these people have in common (apart from being rich enough to buy New Zealand) that allows them to rise above their social awkwardness and compete with the world’s extroverts? The answer is simple but profound: they know how to inspire people and create powerful support networks for their ideas. Successful introverts learn how to find the resources they need to get their missions done!

Can Introverted People Become Great Communicators?

Anybody can learn the techniques of effective communication. The problem right now is that the people making communication training courses are usually extroverts, so they don’t really understand how introverts work.

Introverts can empower themselves by understanding their strengths; creativity and strategic thinking are just as important as confidence for powerful communication.

YouTube is showing us a much more diverse sample of humanity than traditional TV used to (and I don’t just mean diverse as in; middle-aged men dressed as cats dancing like Michael Jackson; or drunk people falling off roofs!)
The democratic world of internet media has created a space for introverts to speak, and one of the great things about the YouTube revolution is that we’re finally starting to understand just how interesting and engaging introverts can be.

It’s really important to remember that people who speak more quietly often have the most interesting things to say.
If you are one of those people with a head full amazing ideas, and brilliant business concepts; don't keep quiet! Despite how sweaty your armpits are, or how shaky your knees get in front of a camera, you owe it to the world to share your message. We don’t want to miss hearing from the next Bill Gates or JK Rowling because you don’t like selfies.
Break through the barriers; be seen and heard. Introverts stand tall, find your power and use your voice. Everybody’s ideas deserve an audience.

Until next time.. be seen and never deprive the world of your message!

Your words matter!
